An exhibition illustrating the happiness, bliss, and joy found in an overlooked neighborhood featuring the artwork of local artists presented as part of Stories of Greenville, a neighborhood revitalization initiative conducted in partnership with the I Love Greenville Project. The exhibit featured an array of artwork by Athena Toledo, Catalina Aranguren, D. J. Flores, Ellen Burnett, Geraldine Gaines, Greg Charles, Ibn Sharif Shakoor, Jennifer Brown, Melida Rodas, and the residents of Peace Care St. Ann's and curated by Greenville residents Melida Rodas and D. J. Flores.
The intention was to create an art exhibit for residents to enjoy for a weekend but the outcome was so much more. A community was united, new friendships forged, and a space for awareness, contemplation, and meditation was created. Residents of Ocean Green expressed disappointment when the exhibit was de-installed proving what a great tool art can be for connection to self and to others.

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